I get the pleasure of working with people who align perfectly with my values, my business ethics and my vision.
This is Susie who in the video doesn’t tell you the full story so I get the absolute pleasure to share it.

Susie as you hear in the video is an ex military girl, hair tied in a bun and her skincare routine was soap and water so when she brought over the late Dr Peter Levy to Scotland, specialist soft tissue chiropractor from Santa Barbara and he told her about this business her initial resistance was ‘what do I know about skincare?’ however the next time she seen him his face was recognisably different, one side had dropped and with concern she asked if he was ok, thinking he had taken a stroke.   

He simply replied, no I have been using this little device on half my face to lift and tighten! Susie, as a business woman immediately said I want it and they spoke about the business.  For the first 5 years she just sat people in a chair and treated half their face for 5 mins with incredible results.   No selling techniques, no official sales pitch, just use, demonstrate and see the results.   Now what part of that sounds hard or like you need to know everything about skincare?   

However the SMART entrepreneur knows if a product, service or device has the power of self qualification to purchase then there is a business, what they don’t appreciate is the scale of the business until they understand our company.

With over 1600 millionaires and financial reports openly publicised on the NYSE you will find a better business opportunity suitable for anyone who has drive, determination, energy and passion. 

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